• Professional Service, Personal Relationships

7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Open Every Day

3216 N Hutchinson Rd

Millwood, WA 99212

Why We Do It

Many adults in their early 50s watch their growing children graduate from high school or college, move out of their large family home, and begin ramping up to make new lives for themselves.  Meanwhile, parents encounter empty-nest syndrome, more house than they want or need, and perhaps retirement from what has felt like a lifetime of work and routine.
Some senior adults experience the death of a long-time spouse or partner and the grief that comes with that loss.  These are major shifts in our lives, yet they are inevitable.
My parents taught me as a young boy to, “Always show respect to adults.” They emphasized to me that the older they are, the more respect they deserve. People accumulate wisdom from their experiences over the course of their lives, and wisdom is invaluable.
“Respect and learn from your elders, have manners, listen and absorb from their decades of wisdom.” – Henry Joseph-Grant
I’m 63 years old, a child of the 60s. I find joy being around other seniors. Through our conversations, they remind me of how we grew up in neighborhoods, communities, and churches. We knew everyone up and down our blocks and we looked out for each other with care. Today’s seniors should be honored for the America they helped create.
So, I have devoted a good portion of my personal life being with and serving my fellow seniors. I regularly deliver warm meals and a friendly conversation to home-bound seniors through Meals On Wheels. After Sunday church services I meet with other seniors and we fellowship and pray for one another and for our world. And as a professional Realtor with Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) training and certification, I help seniors and their adult children access invaluable resources and help them make compassionate, informed decisions for their respected elders in the latter years of their lives.
Click Here to find out how we do it. 

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