7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Open Every Day
3216 N Hutchinson Rd
Millwood, WA 99212
(509) 703-8187
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Unlike almost all property Apps and websites, we will NEVER lend or sell your personal information to third parties resulting in an invasion of your privacy. Only Realtor Rich King and his limited Preferred Partners will support you with your real estate needs.
Our App provides you with tailored updates on neighborhoods, community events, mortgage interest rates, housing inventory and much more in real time.
Enjoy the latest and greatest tool that delivers the best in real estate intelligence to your phone or tablet by simply searching for the “SELLING SPOKANE” App on the App Store or Google Play!
Learn more about our Selling Spokane App, how to use its many features, take advantage of the free resources and how to easily find what you are looking for.